Debugging and Troubleshooting Bicep Deployments: Strategies and Tips for Success

Bicep, being a DSL for deploying Azure resources, has really simplified and smoothed the IaC experience on Azure. But, like with any infrastructure tool, there are those times when deployments fail, and debugging and troubleshooting of failed deployments can sometimes be a challenge, especially while scaling the complexity in your Bicep templates.

In this blog post, we will look at the most common issues related to working with Bicep and strategies in effectively debugging failed deployments.

Common Causes of Failed Bicep Deployments

Moving on, let’s look at some of the common causes for failure that could be encountered within a Bicep deployment:

  1. Syntax Errors: Bicep is syntax-sensitive, and even the most seemingly trivial mistakes-such as a missing comma or unbalanced curly braces-can render a deployment unusable.

  2. Resource Dependencies: Incorrectly defining resource dependencies-or not at all-depending on the environment in which a resource is being utilized, will either block the deployment or result in resources being created out of turn.

  3. Parameter Mismatch: Errors can pop up if parameters in Bicep are ill-defined or if there are mismatches between parameter name, type, or value and those specified in the provided parameter files upon deployment.

  4. Insufficient Permissions: Sometimes, a deployment fails because an account lacks required permissions over the Azure resources or resource groups against which the deployment is done.

  5. Azure Resource Limits: This is by hitting the resource limits. For example, the maximum number of virtual machines, IP addresses, or storage accounts per subscription. Due to this, it might lead to deployment failure.

  6. API Version Incompatibility: Azure continuously updates its API versions. Deployments can fail in cases where there may be an outdated API version for a particular resource that one is using.

  7. Resource Conflicts: Errors will occur when creating or updating resources that are either in a locked state, in use, or already exist and have conflicting settings.

Debugging Bicep Deployments

In case one encounters a failure during the deployment, Bicep has various tools and techniques on how it can be traced down, fixed, and moved forward. The given below are steps to consider for successful debugging:

1. Deployment Logs in Azure Portal

Indeed, the Azure portal has detailed logs that you can utilize to track failed deployments.

You can go to:

  • Resource Group: In the resource group to which the deployment was addressed.
  • Deployment Status: Click on the “Deployments” section to view the history of recent deployments. The ones that have failed will have an error status.
  • Error Details Inspection: One can click on the failed deployment to get an elaborated error message. It typically contains permission problems or invalid property validation.

2. Use az deployment Command for Insights

Azure CLI provides another way to retrieve logs and diagnose the issues:

  • Check for CLI Errors: After executing a deployment command like az deployment group create review the error message that is output. These usually contain some valuable clues about things like missed parameters, syntax or even failed API calls.
  • Get Detailed Logs: You can get more detailed logs by adding the --debug flag when executing the deployment command:
az deployment group create --template-file main.bicep --parameters params.json --debug

This will show you steps that are occurring in the deployment process. This might be useful in identifying where the process is not succeeding.

3. Template Export and Compare

Sometimes, one could just compare a failed deployment template with a successful one and notice the difference in configurations. You can export deployed resources with Azure Resource Explorer or the Azure Portal and compare settings with your Bicep template.

4. Validate Templates Before Deployment

Bicep features tools for validation of templates before doing a full deployment. That could be helpful in an early identification of issues:

  • Use Bicep Build to Find Syntax Issues: By running bicep build to compile your .bicep file to an ARM template, syntax issues can be found and reported on possible errors before deployment.

    bicep build ./main.bicep
  • Run az deployment validate: If you want to do a dry run and actually validate your template, the command az deployment validate will work:

    az deployment group validate --template-file main.bicep --parameters @params.json

    This helps catch problems such as invalid API versions or parameters before deployment starts.

5. Resource State ARM

If the deployment fails halfway, you can query the state of resources in ARM-for example, which resources exist and which don’t, or what changes have already been applied. Sometimes, if something went wrong with a resource deployment, the state of the ARM deployment may give you a hint as to why that happened.

6. Output Variables and Logging

Liberally debug your Bicep templates by utilizing output variables. These output variables provide you with immediate insight into the values of parameters, resource properties, and anything that might be calculated intermediately:

output resourceGroupName string = resourceGroup().name

After deployment, you can then check in either Azure Portal or via Azure CLI that these outputs are what you expect and, subsequently, perform any validation that your deployment is working as expected.

How to Avoid Common Issues with Bicep Deployments

A mix of best practices and handling of common pitfalls would most likely avoid deployment failures. A few tips to help you keep your deployments smooth are listed below.

1. Modularize Templates

Split your Bicep templates into smaller, modular pieces. This makes debugging easier since you can test and deploy more minor components independently from the rest.

2. Explicit Resource Dependencies

Use the dependsOn keyword to specify explicit dependencies between resources. This will ensure that resources are deployed in the correct order, which eliminates timing-related problems that might occur as a result of deployment synchronization.

resource vnet 'Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks@2021-02-01' = {
  name: 'myVNet'
  location: resourceGroup().location

resource subnet 'Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets@2021-02-01' = {
  parent: vnet
  name: 'mySubnet'
  dependsOn: [

3. Use Latest API Versions

Always deploy resources using the latest versions of APIs. This guarantees even better integration with new Azure features and further reduces the chances of deployment failure because of API deprecation.

resource storageAccount 'Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts@2023-01-01' = {

4. Use Error Handling with Conditional Logic

When you have resources that you may want to deploy under certain circumstances, use conditional logic to eliminate the creation of unnecessary resources:

resource publicIp 'Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses@2021-02-01' = if (createPublicIp) {

5. Use Parameter Files

Follow the DRY principle: use parameter files for clean separation of logic and configuration. This will let you apply your Bicep templates to different environments (dev, staging, production) without having the values hardwired.


You can take away that debugging Bicep deployments might sound like a nightmare, but with the right tools and strategies you will find the root cause of most of the issues in record time.

Validating templates in advance, using deployment logs effectively, and best practices in general will save you a lot from common failures and make your IaC process way smoother on Azure.

Keep iterating over your Bicep templates, modularize your code, and use detailed output and logs to create a more robust deployment process.

Happy deploying!