T-SQL Tuesday 123# Life hacks that make your life easier

It’s that time of the month for another T-SQL Tuesday. In case you are new to T-SQL Tuesday this is the monthly blog party started by Adam Machanic (b|t) and now hosted by Steve Jones (b|t). It’s a way of encouraging blog posts from the community and helping to share knowledge. This month’s T-SQL Tuesday is hosted by Jess Pomfret (b|t). Jess invites us all to write about your favorite life hack.

T-SQL Tuesday 122# Imposter syndrome

My T-SQL contribution for this month discusses imposter syndrome. This month’s T-SQL Tuesday is hosted by Jon Shaulis. Jon invites us all to write about when we have seen, experienced, or overcome imposter syndrome. You can read more about the invite in detail by clicking on the T-SQL Tuesday logo. My Experience I’ve had my fair share of experiences with imposter syndrome in my career. My first time was when I first went on SQL Cruise, now called Tech Outbound, and I had the privilege to meet people like Aaron Bertrand, Grant Fritchey, Kevin Kline, etc.

Use Azure To Store SQL Server Backups Offsite

You always think your environment is set up correctly and that you’re able to recover in case of a disaster. You make backups, test your backups, set up DR solutions, and in the end test the DR plan (very important). But have you ever considered a situation where all your data is unusable? If you get infected with ransomware, and the trojan gets a hand on your backups, all your precautions and preparations have been for nothing.

T-SQL Tuesday 116# Why adopt SQL Server on Linux

My T-SQL contribution for this month discusses why you should consider adopting SQL Server on Linux. This month’s T-SQL Tuesday is hosted by Tracy Boggiano. Tracy invites us all to write about what we think everyone should know when working with SQL Server on Linux, or anything else related to SQL running on Linux. You can read more about the invite in detail by clicking on the T-SQL Tuesday logo on the left.

The yes/no e-mail and the rubber duck

I recently read an article about delegation of work and this gave me an idea of the yes/no e-mail and the rubber duck. What is this article about This article is about the delegation of work. When you manage a team you could get lots of e-mails from people asking all sorts of questions for you to figure out. Mostly those questions are along the line of “What do I need to do?

Scanning for PII with dbatools

Recently a brand new command was released that could help you scan for PII (Personal Identifiable Information) in our databases. What Is Personally Identifiable Information (PII)? Personally identifiable information (PII) is like the name implies, data that can be used to identify a person. It is typically actively collected, meaning the information is provided directly by the individual. Here are a couple of identifiers that qualify as PII-based data: Name Email address Postal address Phone number Personal ID numbers (e.