Add Trusted Assemblies to SQL Server 2022 Since SQL Server 2017, Microsoft introduced the clr strict security option. This option is enabled by default and requires that all assemblies loaded into SQL Server are signed by a certificate. This is a security feature that helps protect your database from malicious code.
When you migrate a database to SQL Server 2017 or later, you may need to load assemblies that are not signed by a certificate.
Create Your Sessions Coder Style Using Marp Let’s face it, we all love to code. We love to create things and we love to share our knowledge with others. We also love to learn new things and we love to help others.
Especially when you want to share your knowledge with presentations, you want to easily create your slides and you want to be able to share them with others.
New year and new blog It has been a looong time since I last wrote a blog post. Not because I have been lazy, but because I have been busy with other things. I have been working on moving my blog to a new engine and I’m happy to announce that it’s finally ready.
What happened? Well, we all know that things turned out for the worst in 2020 with the pandemic.
If you’ve used the data masking command in dbatools you’ve probably noticed that the PowerShell session becomes memory intensive when it has to handle larger tables with one or more unique indexes. The reason that happens is that during the data masking process the command looks for any unique indexes in the table. If it finds a unique index it will create a unique row for all the columns in the unique index.
Recently I learned that SQL BITS was going to be an online event. The organizers also decided to do another approach and let the presenters record their sessions. I’m pretty familiar with SLOBS and have been streaming content for the last few months. This gave me some experience in setup scenes and other parts of SLOBS a little more efficiently and make it easy to record my session. Here are some of the things I did to make things easier.
Consider the following scenario, you’re a database developer and your company has just decided that they want to implement DevOps for databases. You have multiple databases that need to be put under source control and each database needs its database project. The first thing you’ll need to do is decide whether or not you want to use migration-based or state-based deployments. This post is not going to discuss the pros and cons of these different methods, instead, we’re going to use state-based migrations using SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) solutions.